Hey! Greetings from baconland! Gerrett here, I am at an all time high of 156!!! Justin took me out last week and bought me some size up pants. In true fat guy style my waist is now bigger around than my inseam! I'm now a bigger man for Jesus than I used to be. So when Justin and I went out to eat this morning he challenged me to finish everything on my plate. I'm happy to say I did and even did so before Justin finished his! FAT POWERS ACTIVATE!!! Hope you all had a good Thanksgiving I know I did. I going to have have to stop right here and apologize to all my big boned brothers because I only ate one plate at Thanksgiving. I know, I know and I'm sorry I've let you all down and I plan to do better in the future I promise. Well I got to go and get ready for lunch here I'll keep you all posted on the big gains. Until next time MAY THE PORK BE WITH YOU !!!