Hey! Greetings from baconland! Gerrett here, I am at an all time high of 156!!! Justin took me out last week and bought me some size up pants. In true fat guy style my waist is now bigger around than my inseam! I'm now a bigger man for Jesus than I used to be. So when Justin and I went out to eat this morning he challenged me to finish everything on my plate. I'm happy to say I did and even did so before Justin finished his! FAT POWERS ACTIVATE!!! Hope you all had a good Thanksgiving I know I did. I going to have have to stop right here and apologize to all my big boned brothers because I only ate one plate at Thanksgiving. I know, I know and I'm sorry I've let you all down and I plan to do better in the future I promise. Well I got to go and get ready for lunch here I'll keep you all posted on the big gains. Until next time MAY THE PORK BE WITH YOU !!!
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Thursday, November 15, 2007
mudflap dude...
One of my coworkers sent me this picture today and it's so awesome that I'm going to have to make a new fatguy blog template based on it. In my "spare time" that is. I wanted you all to enjoy it in the meantime! From http://www.stickergiant.com/page/sg/PROD/funcon/b5059
Posted by
10:05 AM
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
week 2
Hey, it's the Baconator again!! Got some juicy news weighin' in at 150!! Starting to get a belly which I've never had in my life. So that's exciting and up-lifting! My wife, Marcie is pregnant, so now we're racing to see who will gain what!!! On Sunday I cooked up a pound and a half of bacon and ate it for a snack. Is there an animal better tasting than pig if there is I've never had it. Well there's a Thanksgiving dinner at the church with my name on it so I got to cut this short. So until the cows come home and taste like bacon, this is Gerrett signing off!!!
Posted by
1:52 PM
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Pic of Gerett
here is a recent photo of gerrett. he recently told me he now weighs 150. that is roughly a 15 pound gain...he is well on his way and we here at the fat guy club are very proud of him!!!
Posted by
11:32 AM
Friday, November 02, 2007
Hmmm....bacon is there anything better? Hi my name is Gerrett and I'm a new "fat guy" in the making. I've been obsessed with bacon for a while and now with my new found unemployment I am finally able to take that love to a whole new level. I realise that weighing in at 142 does not make me by any means a heavy man, but I'm ready to go the distance. For years I've been a fat guy trapped in a little man's body, but with help from Justin and the Baconator my inner corpulence will shine. My goal is to gain for Jesus 40 lbs. As of now I have grown out of my 30-30 pants and now my 32-30's are uncomfortable. Praise Jesus!!!! I love eating new animals and I'm not big into sweets so if anybody has any new recipes for big gains let me know. So until next time my your bacon never burn.( unles you like it that way!!) --Gerrett
Posted by
5:51 PM