Monday, May 23, 2005

Episode III : Revenge of the Fat Guys

The phenomenon of Star Wars affects our inner psyches in different ways. For a Fat Guy, that desire to be an all-powerful Jedi knight can take some interesting twists and turns. For example, Matt had a dream the other night that the Fat Guy Jedis were battling the evil Skinny Guys (represented by Steve.) In order to prevent excessive movement, the Fat Guys were standing back to back in an immovable fortress formation and would toss the light saber between themselves to defend the corresponding flanks. Apparently the Skinny Guys weapon of choice was a health shake, which was thrown at the Fat Guys and destroyed with the light saber. The Fat Guys then threw milkshakes back at the Skinny Guys.
Sometimes, one can only be awestruck by the manifestations of Fatness that ooze forth from the brains of our illustrious members.

UPDATE 5/24: Apparently the food of choice is cheese today. Justin and Matt are now referring to themselves as Obese-Wan Kenobi and his Fatawan Learner, respectively.