Monday, August 22, 2005

Fat Floats... the continuing saga

There really is nothing quite like swimming with FatGuys. I don't think there are any other situations so rife with opportunity for fat appreciation. Add a diving board and water slide into the mix and it just enhances the unique experience.

In an ecologically-minded effort to raise lake levels, Scott performed the FatGuy Wave for us. It went something like, "You wanna see a Fat Guy wave?" followed by a thunderous cannonball off of the diving board while waving, of course. Physics was never so much fun. Of course, newfound fatness has its perils, as Matt discovered while surface diving. His belly is several inches closer to the surface than it was when he learned his rescue diving techniques, so he met the aforementioned surface a bit flatter and sooner than anticiapted. Ouch.

The crowning glory on our evening of fat frolicking was conquering the water slide. It rocked perilously from side to side as the ladder was climbed, and it took several scoots from each FatGuy to get started on the descent as their bootys were wedged pretty tightly between the sides. The landing splashes were well worth the effort, however, as anyone standing nearby got thoroughly drenched. The moral of this story is... if you want a recipie for the ultimate water adventure, FatGuys are the essential ingredient!